The Role of Technology and Urbanization in Changing Social and Family Communication Patterns
This study aims to determine the role of technology and urbanization in changing social and family communication patterns. The research based on a qualitative approach secondary data of various aspects of communication in the family, urbanization, the role of parents, and the impact of technology on social communication patterns. The findings of this research demonstrate that in 2005-2010, smartphone use in Indonesia reached various age ranges, from 10 to 50 years or more, indicating that gadgets do not recognize age limits. Gadgets are used not only for long-distance communication but also as a means of self-actualization through social media and entertainment. However, technological developments not only make communication easier but can also disrupt social interactions, especially in the family environment. Excessive use of gadgets can reduce direct communication between family members and even has the potential to cause social isolation. The impact of changing communication patterns is caused not only by the move to new media but also by factors such as urbanization. The family acts as the closest socialization agent. Parenting patterns, communication, and interactions within the family influence communication patterns in wider communities.
Keywords: Communication patterns, Family communication, Technology, Urbanization
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