Perceived Behavioral Control and Personal Intent to Read Critically in Learning a Foreign Language
The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between perceived behavioral control and personal intention to read critically among students at the Faculty of Foreign Languages at the University of Tirana. The research examines the impact of perceived behavioral control on personal attitudes toward critical reading during the foreign language learning process, and how students' perceptions of their ability to control their reading behaviors influence their intention to engage in critical reading practices. In addition, to explore behavioral intentions, it is necessary to identify the factors that shape students' intentions toward critical reading, particularly in an era characterized by information overload. The primary data analysis used SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) to validate the hypotheses based on a non-probabilistic sampling of 200 students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of the University of Tirana submitted to a questionnaire. The results reveal that perceived behavioral control is essential in shaping students' intentions to read critically. Our educational strategies are improve critical reading skills and promote a culture of critical engagement among students. The originality lies in the targeted examination of perceived behavioral control within the framework of critical reading, its empirical analysis, and its practical implications for education, not only advance critical reading research but also provide valuable insights for improving educational practices in diverse learning environments.
Keywords: Motivation, Personal intention, Perceived behavioral control, Critical reading, Critical thinking
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