Exploring the Impact of Digital and Energy-Efficient Technology Adoption: A Case Study of Northport Malaysia
This study aims to examine the impact of digital and energy-efficient technology adoption on operational efficiency and environmental sustainability in seaport operations, focusing on the Northport case study. Global seaports undergo rapid transformation due to revolutionary developments in digital technologies, such as big data analytics, artificial intelligence, and the internet of things. Despite the increasing prevalence of these technologies, there remains a gap in understanding their holistic impact, particularly in terms of operational efficiency and environmental sustainability. To address this gap, this study employs a case study methodology, examining the adoption of digital and energy-efficient technologies at Northport, one of the busiest ports in the region. This research investigates how Northport's implementation of digital and energy-efficient technologies affects the allocation of resources, environmental practices, and operational procedures, utilizing qualitative data analysis based on observations, interviews, and documents. The findings indicate that the implementation of digital and energy-efficient technologies has resulted in significant improvements in operational efficiency, such as increased output, streamlined operations, and optimal resource allocation. This study also highlights the positive environmental impact of digitization, including reduced carbon emissions and enhanced environmental monitoring. This research contributes to the understanding of the multifaceted impacts of digital technology adoption in seaport operations and provides insights for policymakers, port authorities, and industry stakeholders seeking to leverage digitalization for sustainable port development.
Keywords: Digital technology, Energy-efficient technology, Seaport, Sustainability, Operational efficiency
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