The Role of Immigrants in the City of Samarinda in Regional Development
This descriptive-qualitative research aims to elucidate the role of immigrants in Samarinda (one of the supporting cities for the New Capital of the Republic of Indonesia) in regional development. The survey was conducted with 224 purposively selected immigrants. Primary data were collected through interviews with them using an interview guide. In accordance with this approach, the primary data were predominantly analyzed descriptively and qualitatively, including the utilization of descriptive statistics, presentation of data in absolute and relative frequency distribution tables, and calculation of proportions. Immigrants’ role in the development of the destination area is more significant than that in the area of origin. They engaged in 27 types of occupations and are entrepreneurs in 14 business fields. Their labor force participation rate and employment levels are exceptionally high, their total fertility rate is low, and most have savings in banks and remit funds to their home areas. This research’s results enhance the understanding of migration and development theories. Its practical application is in providing information and alternative solutions to the Samarinda City Government to manage the influx of immigrants, thereby minimizing negative impacts and maximizing benefits. This study’s novelty lies in identifying a comprehensive set of indicators for assessing immigrants’ role in regional development.
Keywords: Immigrants, Regional development, Samarinda, Indonesia, Destination area
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