How the Mobile App-Assisted Project-Based Learning Model Improves Students’ Critical Thinking Ability
A project-based learning (PjBL) model based on mobile apps provides the knowledge and skills required for a job. The ability of students to continue learning is necessary to solve new problems and challenges. This survey-approached quantitative study aims to reveal how the mobile app-assisted PjBL model affects critical thinking skills and student achievement in entrepreneurship courses. Data were collected using observations, tests, and questionnaires. The sample in this study consisted of 100 students majoring in economic education. Data analysis used SPSS 22 through paired samples and simple linear regression tests. The findings show that Sig (2-tailed) 0.000 < 0.05, which means that the mobile app-assisted PjBL learning method is effectively applied in entrepreneurship courses, and an N-gain score of 0.7738 or N-gain percentage of 77.38% is the high criteria. Student responses after implementing the mobile app-assisted PjBL learning model showed a score of 75.2%, with good criteria. After implementing the mobile app-assisted PjBL learning model, student responses indicated a 75.2% score with good criteria. Mobile app-assisted PjBL in entrepreneurship courses can be an alternative learning model for students to participate actively.
Keywords: Project-based learning, Students, Mobile apps, Critical thinking, Entrepreneurship
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