Culturally Relevant Interventions: The Impact of Traditional Peruvian Games on Stress Reduction and Well-Being in Children

Liliana Asunción Sumarriva-Bustinza, Zaida Olinda Pumacayo-Sánchez, Raúl Quincho-Apumayta, Vilma Inga-Choque, Abad Antonio Surichaqui-Mateo, Lucila Amelia De La Cruz-Rojas, Isaac Wilmer Montero-Yaranga, Juan Antonio Picoy-Gonzales, Rosaura Huarcaya-Taype, Tania Ayuque-Rojas


This study assessed the effectiveness of traditional Peruvian games in reducing stress among children aged 8-12 years in both urban and rural settings. A total of 300 participants engaged in a six-week intervention incorporating culturally relevant games. Stress levels were measured using the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), and heart rate variability (HRV) served as a physiological marker for stress. The results indicated a significant reduction in stress across all demographic groups, with an average decrease of 4.3 points on the PSS (p<0.001). HRV significantly improved, reflecting enhanced autonomic regulation, with a mean difference of +5.6 ms (p < 0.001). Urban children experienced slightly higher reductions in stress than their rural peers, and children from low socioeconomic status (SES) backgrounds showed the greatest overall improvement in stress levels. Parental feedback also highlighted notable behavioral changes, including increased calmness, improved focus on schoolwork, and better peer interactions. These findings suggest that traditional games can serve as effective and culturally relevant interventions for reducing stress and promoting well-being among children, particularly in low-resource settings.


Keywords: Traditional games, Stress reduction, Children’s mental health, Heart rate variability, Cultural interventions



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