Character Education in Building Academic Culture among the Makassar Maritime Polytechnic (PIP) Students
This study aims to (1) analyze the concept and significance of character development for students at Makassar Maritime Polytechnic, (2) examine the factors that facilitate and impede the establishment of an academic culture among Makassar Maritime Polytechnic students, and (3) investigate strategies for fostering an academic culture within the student body of Makassar Maritime Polytechnic. This study employs qualitative descriptive research methodology, utilizing a phenomenological approach. Based on the results of this study, character is an irreplaceable foundation for every student at the Makassar Maritime Science Polytechnic. In this context, the concept of character includes discipline, integrity, responsibility, and the ability to work together. A strong character is an essential element that determines an individual's success in a maritime career full of challenges. The imperative nature of this character formation stems from the necessity to produce graduates who are not only technically proficient but also possess high moral standards and work ethics, which are critically important in the maritime industry. In the absence of a well-developed character, students may encounter significant challenges in adapting to a dynamic and high-risk work environment and overcoming obstacles to maintain safety and operational efficiency in maritime settings. Supporting factors in building an academic culture at the Makassar Maritime Polytechnic include support from educational institutions, adequate facilities, and the existence of a curriculum designed to instill academic values and character. However, several inhibiting factors were also found, such as a lack of facilities that can support modern learning, limited resources for useful extracurricular activities, and persistence of resistance to cultural change among students and staff.
Keywords: Character education, Academic culture, Maritime industry, Discipline, Pancasila, Globalization
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