Nexus of Affective Aptitude and Workplace Success: Investigating the Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Employee Performance through the Lenses of Affective Events and Social Exchange Theories

Dhruba Lal Pandey, Nischal Risal, Benish Koirala


This investigation sought to explore the influence of emotional intelligence (EI), as conceptualized by Goleman through self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, empathy, and social skills, on employee performance (EP) and the mediating effect of job satisfaction. The research employed a quantitative approach with a correlational design. Convenience sampling was utilized to obtain a sample of 397 employees, determined through Yamene's formula and G*Power 3.1 calculations, from a population of 46,408 commercial bank employees. Direct and indirect effects were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Findings revealed that self-motivation, empathy, and overall EI exerted a significant positive impact on EP. Conversely, self-awareness, self-regulation, and social skills demonstrated positive but non-significant influences on EP. Job satisfaction was not found to mediate the relationship between EI and EP. These results suggest that focusing on enhancing self-motivation, empathy, and overall EI may lead to improved EP. The study contributes novel insights into the factors driving EI and EP among Nepalese commercial bank employees, highlighting the importance of empathy and self-motivation in fostering a performance-enhancing environment. Additionally, the research underscores the significance of cultivating an organizational climate that balances various EI dimensions to optimize EP. While previous Nepalese studies have examined the relationship between EI and EP, this research investigates the drivers of EI and EP and the mediating role of job satisfaction in this context. The findings offer valuable insights for the banking sector in Nepal, providing guidance on strategies to enhance EI and EP. Future research directions include longitudinal studies and cross-cultural investigations to further elucidate the nuances of EI and EP concepts.


Keywords: Emotional intelligence, Affective events theory, Social exchange theory, Commercial bank, Contextual performance



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