How to Increase Real Estate Agents’ Intention to Use Rental Home Management Websites in Bangkok, Thailand
Currently, the rental home market in Bangkok is expanding, driven by decreasing customer purchasing power and a growing trend toward “Generation Rent.” Newer generations in Thailand, as well as tourists, are increasingly opting to rent homes because of the convenience and flexibility of relocation as needed. New technologies, such as rental management websites and smart devices, offer support to homeowners, renters, and brokers. However, rental management websites have yet to gain widespread popularity. This study seeks to identify the factors influencing real estate agents’ intention to use rental home management websites in Bangkok, Thailand. These findings are expected to serve as guidelines for enhancing rental management platforms in Thailand. In this study, 254 real estate agents serving Bangkok were surveyed, rating (1–5) their responses to 24 questions about the factors affecting their intention to use rental home management websites. Multiple Regression Analysis was employed to determine the factors that most strongly influenced agents’ intentions. Results indicate that the factors of “Privacy” and “Personalization” significantly impact agents’ intent to use rental home management websites in Bangkok.
Keywords: Real estate agents, Generation rent, Rental home management website, Residential property management, Bangkok
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