Peruvian Artisanal Products and the Effect of COVID-19 on Artisanal Enterprises
The objective of this study was to identify the main artisanal products marketed by Peruvian artisanal enterprises and analyze the effects of COVID-19 on these enterprises. The research method is based on the literature review using Scopus, WoS, Emerald, EBSCO, and gray literature databases. The analysis items were: a) the supply of Peruvian handicraft products or handicrafts and b) the political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal factors (PESTEL) of these enterprises. The main results show that Peruvian artisans offer ceramic products, handmade textiles, souvenirs made from "Lagenaria Vulgaris", religious sculptures made of chalk and plaster, objects carved in wood, palm seeds, stone and bone, hats, leather, wax, and metal objects, paintings by popular painters, objects made from animal horns and modeled products from pasta or food which are consumed during religious festivals. The research highlights opportunities and challenges in the external environment that entrepreneurs and authorities need to consider. This study is novel because it disseminates the Peruvian classification of handicrafts 2021 internationally. This study is applicable in the face of the health and economic crisis that forces authorities and businessmen to reactivate the economy and employment. For this reason, it is important to analyze the external environment of artisanal enterprises and contribute to the open system of organizations.
Keywords: crafts, entrepreneurs, PESTEL analysis, strategic factors, rural tourism.
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