Developing Competency of Superior Human Resources as a Strategy for Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) in Facing the Era of Society 5.0
The competitive role of human resources enables Islamic banking to advance and adapt to the era of society 5.0, which is characterized by the transition from analog to digital technology that is human-centered. This era is also known as the age of society 5.0. This concept, along with the idea of a technology-based society, places an emphasis on positioning human resources as the center of innovation and technological transformation. examines ways to enhance the level of expertise possessed by human resources in preparation for the arrival of Society 5.0. The method used to conduct this inquiry was going to libraries and consulting books along with many other sources of information. After compiling a body of work that is pertinent to the primary topic of the study, the author establishes linkages between the aforementioned material and the pertinent theoretical framework. This step follows the accumulation of a body of work that is pertinent to the primary topic of the study. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively, both currently in data collection and at a certain period after data collection was completed. According to the findings of this research, Era society 5.0 has an immediate and critical requirement for excellent and highly competitive human resource competencies. In the age of society 5.0, in which all technology is an integral part of people themselves, people use the internet not just to distribute information but also to conduct their everyday lives. Humans are the primary component, as they are the ones who can generate new value through technical advancements. These advancements can reduce the economic and human problems that will arise in the future. One of a firm's competitive advantages is the availability of employees who possess high levels of competence and can adapt to changes that occur both within and without the organization.
Keywords: competence, human resources, Society 5.0, Islamic bank, Bank Syariah Indonesia.
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