Participation of Youth in Non-Formal Education and Community Development in Kosovo
This study aims to provide information about the importance of formal and non-formal education in developing human resources as the most essential factor in the development of society. Using Kosovo as an example, we examine how this model helps young people develop the skills needed to strengthen society. A mix of different research methods was used in this study. Library research and contemporary publications related to the topic. A comparative study compared scientific theories with data collected by other research methods. Quantitative methods included distributing questionnaires and conducting surveys; qualitative methods involved in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. Data were processed using SPSS V26. Research has shown that many youths participated in non-formal education, enhancing social capital and community development. The skills they developed from their participation were soft skills, critical thinking, tolerance and diversity, voluntary work, health protection, and philanthropy. The area covered by this study is important because it shows the development of human resources using methods other than formal education. It is helpful for other disciplines related to this study, such as the history of education in the country, statistical analyses of youth participation in formal and non-formal education, and new curricula needed for developing human beings and society at large. This study is essential for developing young people’s skills, strengthening cooperation within the community, and developing society by creating social capital. This study is new in non-formal education of youth, non-governmental organizations, local communities, and central and local governments.
Keywords: Participation, Youth, Non-formal education, Community, Kosovo
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