Perception of Sports and Sports University among Urban Residents in Nepal
This study aims to examine the need for sports education and sports universities among urban residents in Nepal by analyzing the perceptions of students, parents, and interested stakeholders. This study applied a convergent parallel mixed method to acquire and analyze quantitative and qualitative data. An online survey on the feasibility of the university in Nepal was administered from February 15 to March 26, 2022, among various urban centers. A total of 256 responses were obtained. To substantiate the quantitative data, 13 interviews were conducted with kinesiologists and policymakers. Using a binary logistic regression model and coding of interviews, this paper found that demand for sports universities among students, parents, and concerned stakeholders is high, who also believe that Nepal can be an ideal destination for sports education for international students and athletes given its climatic and geo-political standings. Sports infrastructure supply, including sports universities, by the Nepalese Government is constrained by financial, human, and technical resource limitations. The overall implications of this finding are that a public-private partnership model is most appropriate for initiating sports universities to meet the demand for sports infrastructure for urban leisure sports in Nepal. The partnership would ease resource constraints and maintain institutional professionalism by promoting health and well-being among urban residents.
Keywords: Physical Education, Sports Education, Sports Infrastructure, Sports University, Nepal
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